Monday, June 29, 2009

A Healing Spiritual Adventure, So Close to Home

Joy Lane Healing Center:
A Healing Spiritual Adventure, So Close to Home

No need to fuss with travel arrangements for this summer’s spiritual adventuring. Omega in New York… Esalen in California… Wouldn’t it be nice to find such sacred ground a bit closer to home? Believe it or not, there is such a place right in your own backyard: Joy Lane Healing Center, in Hollywood, MD. And here is but a sample of how you can combine Joy Lane classes, workshops and events into a local personalized getaway. Switch, mix and match; your vacation is as limitless as your imagination. Just pick your itinerary!

Getaway #1: A Natural Immersion
Dates: July 11 - 12
Lodging: Joy Lane’s Personal Retreat Cabin
Dedicate two days of your busy life for just you. Find yourself again in the enchanted forest that surrounds Joy Lane.
Day 1: Arrive and settle in to the cozy, well-appointed, off-the-grid cabin. Join Open Palm Zendo for morning meditation. Grill up lunch in our outdoor cooking area. Spend the afternoon reading in the gazebo and walking the labyrinth. Enjoy a reflexology session in the early evening. Later, fall asleep to the sounds of nature all around you.
Day 2: Wake and meditate at the Temple of Light. Enjoy a hike along our trails, and then a massage. After lunch, join the Awareness in Nature: Exploring the Senses workshop. Return home that evening refreshed and reconnected to nature, and yourself!

Getaway #2: A Yoga-Day Away
Date: July 16
Take a quick summertime wellness break for yourself!
AM: Arrive at Joy Lane and participate in our Hatha Yoga with Affirmations class. Spend the rest of the morning journaling and gathering insight at our Crystal Meditation Garden. Enjoy a picnic lunch in our gazebo.
PM: Spend the afternoon in a Your Life Blueprint consultation. Enjoy an early supper at a local Indian restaurant, and return in the evening for The Secret Language of Hatha Yoga class. Return home expanded, clear and refreshed!

Getaway #3: Crystal Clear

Dates: July 18 - 19
Lodging: Victorian Candle Bed & Breakfast
Celebrate the wisdom of crystal healing and meet like-minded neighbors you never knew you had!
Day 1: Arrive in the morning for the beginning of Becky Ridgell’s popular workshop, Introduction to Working with Crystals. Join your new friends for dinner at a local restaurant. Retire for the night in a personal getaway at The Victorian Candle, and enjoy getting to know your newly-bought crystals!
Day 2: Enjoy breakfast at the B&B, and return to Joy Lane for the remainder of the workshop. That evening, enjoy a shopping spree with your friends at our Supplies for the Journey store!

Getaway #4: Meditative Mini-Retreat
Dates: July 24 - 25
Lodging: Joy Lane’s Personal Retreat Cabin
Uplift your spirit and find your focus in a Zen-styled meditation retreat.
A retreat common to Zen Buddhist practice is known as Sesshin, or “gathering the mind”. Begin gathering yours by arriving at Joy Lane after supper. Unpack your things in our peaceful woodland cottage and join us for a screening of Amongst White Clouds, the breathtaking movie about Chinese Taoist and Buddhist mountain hermits. Inspired, spend the night in your own hermitage and awake in the morning to meditate during the Open Palm Zendo Extended Day of Meditation, held in order to honor the spiritual teachers in our lives. Round out your retreat late in the afternoon celebrating the Green Corn Festival, a gathering of renewal hosted by the Good Medicine Society.

Getaway #5: A Healing Circle
Dates: August 8 - 9
Lodging: Your own home
For two afternoons, arrive at Joy Lane and let someone take care of you for a change!
Healing Chöd is an ancient Buddhist ritual known for its power to heal mental and physical sickness, remove karmic obstacles to spiritual growth, and address human suffering. There are no instructions to follow or techniques to learn. You simply lie down, rest, and receive healing. Chöd is suitable for everyone, including those with physical or mental distress, whether chronic or mild. With the support of the Dalai Lama, these events are being offered in the West to raise money for a monastery-building project to benefit one of the poorest parts of India.

These are just a few examples of personal retreats you can build with Joy Lane Healing Center’s schedule of classes, workshops and events. You can always see what else we’re up to at our website, Your spiritual journey is just a click away!

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